Monday, August 1, 2011

My Grandmother's 93rd Birthday

In honor of my grandmother's 93rd birthday, I thought something different might be in order.  If you're like me, you're behind in sending the pictures, the letters, the phone calls.  And in hindsight,  it's all one big lame excuse after another - work, kids, work, cash, work, time.  But time is running out.  My grandmother has been the family caretaker her entire life, and if ever someone earned wings for kindness, mercy and love, it is indeed, Edith Walker.  Her wings are so large, strong and beautiful I'm surprised she's still tethered to the ground. There is nothing she would like better than to see her family in person, but because this week is her week, and work, kids cash and time all figure into the guilt trip at this point, I've made this for you, grandmommy.  Here is your family, with love.  This will show up on your doorstep, late, as usual.

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